20th Annual Conference Dec 5-7, 2011. Learn More.
Articles by Author
Mr. Mike Auffet
Dr. Ron Bigalke
- A Comparison of the Olivet Discourse and the Book of Revelation
- Consistent Pretribulationism and Jewish Questions of the End
- Problems with Progressive Dispensationalism
Dr. Wayne Brindle
Dr. Joesph Chambers
Mr. Charles Clough
- A Dispensational View of Christ and Culture: Opportunities and Limitations to Christian Cultural Transformation
- Dispensational View of Theological Order: Why It Offends Covenant Theologians
- Interpreting Texts on End-Time Geophysical Catastrophes
- Interpreting Texts on End-Time Geophysical Catastrophes (continued)
Dr. James Combs
Dr. Robert Congdon
- Prophecy in the Making: Pope Furthers Union of World Religions
- The European Union and The Supra-Religion
Dr. Mal Couch
Dr. Trevor Craigen
Dr. Larry Cruchfield
Dr. Robert Dean
- A Critique Of O. Palmer Robertson's Interpretation Of Romans 11
- The Chronological Relationship of the Three Septet Judgments of the Tribulation To Daniel’s Seventy Weeks
- The Meaning of Angels in Revelation 2 and 3
Dr. Timothy Demy
- Arno C. Gaebelein
- James Hall Brookes
- Marching to Zion: Social and Political Foundations of Nineteenth-Century Christian Zionism
Dr. Charles Dyer
Rev Morgan Edwards
Dr. Stanley Ellisen
Dr. Floyd Elmore
Mr. Pseudo Ephraem
- (Latin) On the Last Times, the Antichrist, and the End of the World
- On the Last Times, the Antichrist, and the End of the World (English)
Dr. John Feinberg
Dr. Paul Feinberg
Dr. Gordon Franz
Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
- A Review Of After The Empire by Mark Hitchcock
- Israel's Right To The Promised Land
- Premillennialism in the Old Testament
- Rabbinic Quotations of the Old Testament and how it Relates to Joel 2 and Acts 2
- Replacement Theology and the Epistle of Peter
- The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation
Dr. Robert Gromacki
- A Response To Marvin Rosenthal's Interpretation Of 1 Thessalonians 3:13
- ISRAEL: Her Past, Present and Future - Romans 9-11
- Revelation 20: A Premillennial Analysis
- Where is "the Church" in Revelation 4-19?
Mr. George Gunn
Dr. Gregory Harris
Dr. Ed Hindson
Dr. Mark Hitchcock
- 2012, the Bible and the End of the World
- The Battle of Gog and Magog
- When Will the Battle of Gog and Magog Occur?
Dr. David Hocking
- Bible and Historical Facts About Iran
- The Importance Of The Modern State Of Israel
- The Positive Aspects Of Premillennial Theology
- The Rapture in Revelation
Dr. Barry Horner
Dr. H.Wayne House
- Danger of Progressive Dispensationalsim to Pre-Millennial Theology: Reflections of a Pre-Progressive Dispensationalist
- Differences between 1 Thessalonians 4 and Matthew 24
- Historical Factors Until The Time Of Constantine Affecting The Church's Appropriation Of Israel's Blessings
- Josephus and the Fall of Jerusalem: An Evaluation of the Preterist View on Jerusalem in Prophecy
- Premillennialism in the Ante-Nicene Church: Why the Divide in the Early Church on Chiliasm?
- The Understanding of the Church Fathers Regarding the Olivet Discourse and the Fall of Jerusalem
Mr. Dave Hunt
Dr. Thomas Ice
- 100-Pound Hailstones
- 1996 and Date Setting
- 2008 Pre-Trib Conference
- 2009 Pre-Trib Conference
- A Biblical Basis for Social and Political Involvement Within a Traditional Dispensational Framework
- A Brief History of Early Premillennialism
- A Brief History of The Rapture
- A Little Used Rapture Passage
- A Mythical Massacre: Deir Yassin
- A People for His Name in Acts 15
- A Review of Hank Hanegraaff's The Apocalypse Code
- A Short History Of Dispensationalism
- Alan P. Boyd, Premillennialism, and the Post-Apostolic Fathers
- Alleged Irvingite Influence on Darby and the Rapture
- An Answer to Bob Gundry
- An End-Times Debate at Oxford
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 1)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 10)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 11)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 12)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 13)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 14)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 15)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 16)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 17)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 18)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 19)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 19)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 2)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 20)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 21)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 22)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 23)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 24)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 25)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 26)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 27)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 28)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 29)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 3)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 30)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 31)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 32)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 33)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 34)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 35)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 36)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 37)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 38)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 39)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 4)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 5)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 6)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 7)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 8)
- An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 9)
- Answering Those Who Oppose Israel
- Are Modern Jews Descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
- Are We Living in the Last Days?
- Babylon In Bible Prophecy
- Back to The Future: Present, Practical Lessons Learned From Bible Prophecy
- Christian Palestinianism
- Christian Zionism
- Consistent Biblical Futurism (Part 1)
- Consistent Biblical Futurism (Part 2)
- Consistent Biblical Futurism (Part 3)
- Consistent Biblical Futurism (Part 4)
- Consistent Biblical Futurism (Part 5)
- Consistent Biblical Futurism (Part 6)
- Consistent Biblical Futurism (Part 7)
- Covenants & Dispensations (Part 10)
- Covenants and Dispensations
- Covenants and Dispensations (Part 1)
- Covenants and Dispensations (Part 4)
- Covenants and Dispensations (Part 7)
- Covenants and Dispensations (Part 8)
- Covenants and Dispensations (Part 9)
- Covenants and Dispensations (Part V)
- Covenants and Dispensations (Part VI)
- Covenants and Dispensations-3
- Differences Between The Rapture And The Second Coming
- Dispensational Hermeneutics
- Don't Mess with Jerusalem!
- Elijah is Coming
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 1)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 10)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 11)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 12)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 13)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 14)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 15)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 16)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 17)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 18)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 19)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 2)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 20)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 21)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 22)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 23)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 24)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 25)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 26)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 27)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 28)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 29)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 3)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 30)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 4)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 5)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 6)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 7)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 8)
- Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Part 9)
- From A Garden To A City
- Gary Demar's End Times Fiction
- Globalism: Preparation For The Antichrist
- God's Purpose for Israel During The Tribulation
- God's Purpose For The Tribulation
- Hal Lindsey, Dominion Theology, and Anti-Semitism
- Happy Birthday Israel
- Has Bible Prophecy Already Been Fulfilled?
- Historical Implications Of Allegorical Interpretation
- Imminence and The Rapture (Part 1)
- Imminence and the Rapture (Part 2)
- Imminency And The Any-Moment Rapture
- Is America In Bible Prophecy?
- Is It Time for The Temple?
- Is Modern Israel Fulfilling Prophecy?
- Is the Pre-Trib Rapture a Satanic Deception?
- Isaiah 17 and The Destruction of Damascus
- Islam Is Not A Peaceful Religion
- Israel
- Israel and The European Union
- Israel's Fall Feasts and Date-Setting of the Rapture
- John Nelson Darby and The Pre-Trib Rapture
- Kept From The Hour
- Kosovo and the Preparation of Europe
- Last Days Mockers
- Literal Sacrifices In The Millennium
- Literal vs. Allegorical Interpretation
- Lovers of Zion: A History of Christian Zionism
- Matthew 24 and "This Generation"
- Matthew 24:31: Rapture Or Second Coming?
- Modern Israel's Right To The Land
- Morgan Edwards: Another Pre-Darby Rapturist
- Myths About Israel and Palestine
- Myths of the Origin of Pretribulationism (Part 1)
- Neo-Replacement Theology
- New, Improved Postmillennialism
- On Solid Ground
- One Thousand Years: Literal or Figurative?
- One World
- Orde Wingate: "HaYedid"
- Part 2-Myths of the Origin of the Rapture
- Peter's Quotation of Joel in Acts 2
- Populating The Millennium
- Present Tribulation vs. Future Tribulation
- Preterism and Zechariah 12-14
- Prophecy And Biblical Violence
- Prophecy on Fast-Forward
- Prophetic Stage Setting
- Rapture Myths
- Ready to Rebuild
- Revelation 12 and The Future of Israel
- Running To and Fro
- Russia, Iran and War with Israel
- Saddam Hussein & Capital Punishment
- Salvation in The Tribulation
- Salvation in the Tribulation: Revisited
- Satan's War Against God
- Scary Gary and Y2K
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
- Signs of the Times and Prophetic Fulfillment
- Sir Henry Finch: Early Christian Zionist
- Some Glorious And Incomparable Promises Of The Bible
- Stage-Setting For The Last Days: An Approach To Consistent Futurism
- Terrorism In America: Foreshadow of End-Time Events
- The 2006 Pre-Trib Study Group Conference
- The 2007 Pre-Trib Study Group Conference
- The Age to Come
- The Battle For Jerusalem
- The Calvinistic Heritage of Dispensationalism
- The Date of the Book of Revelation
- The Death and Resurrection of The Beast
- The Earth Dwellers of Revelation
- The Emerging Global Community
- The End-Time Apostasy
- The Ethnicity of The Antichrist
- The Falwell Legacy: The Bible, The Blood, and The Blessed Hope
- The Global Proclamation Of The Gospel
- The Glorious and Incomparable Promises of the Bible
- The Holy Spirit and the Tribulation
- The Israel Of God
- The Israeli Elections
- The Khazars and The Jews
- The Last Trumpet
- The Late Great U.S.A.
- The Latter Rain Revival Movement
- The Literal Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy
- The Literal Interpretation Of Prophecy
- The Logic of Biblical Creationism and The Future
- The Mark of the Beast
- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
- The Meaning of "Earth Dwellers" and the Book of Revelation
- The Meeting in the Sky
- The Olive Tree "Disputatio"
- The Rapture and John 14
- The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3
- The Rapture in History and Prophecy
- The Rapture in Pseudo-Ephraem
- The Resurrection: Single or Multiple?
- The Seventy Weeks of Daniel
- The Situation in The Middle East
- The Three-Quarters Rapture Theory
- The Time of Your Visitation
- The Uniqueness of The Church
- The Unscriptural Theologies Of Amillennialism And Postmillennialism
- The Upper Room Discourse and The Rapture
- The Walvoord Legacy
- The Woman in Revelation 12
- U-Turn in American Israeli Policy
- Unity: The True and the False
- What About The Land Promises to Israel?
- What is Dispensationalism?
- What is Dominion Theology?
- What is Postmillennialism
- What Is Progressive Dispensationalism?
- What is Replacement Theology?
- When Did J. N. Darby Discover the Rapture?
- When the Truth Gets Left Behind
- Why Date-Setting the Rapture is Wrong
- Why I Believe The Bible Teaches Rapture Before Tribulation
- Why Sacrifices in The Millennium
- Why the Bible Still Prohibits Date Setting
- William Blackstone and American Christian Zionism
- Y2K Whimper and the New Millennium
- Yet, Another Pre-Darby Rapture Statement
Dr. Elliot Johnson
Dr. Manfred Kober
Dr. Tim LaHaye
Dr. David Larsen
- A Brief History of the Interpretation of the Book of Revelation
- A Hermeneutical House of Horrors: Some Historical Notes on The Interpretation of Bible Prophecy
- John Nelson Darby: Pioneer of Dispensational Premillennialism
- Some Key Issues In The History Of Premillennialism
- The Critical Nexus of the Two-Stage Parousia
- The Postmodern Abandonment of Israel
- Tracing The Critical Steps In The Establishment Of The Modern State Of Israel In 1948
Dr. Zola Levitt
Dr. David Allen Lewis
Mr. Frank Marotta
Dr. John Master
Dr. Steven McAvoy
Dr. Thomas McCall
Dr. John McLean
Dr. Chuck Missler
Dr. John Niemela
Dr. David Noebel
Dr. Dwight Pentecost
Dr. Randell Price
- A Judaic Studies Center for Liberty University
- Is The Modern State Of Israel Prophetically Significant?
Dr. Earl Radmacher
Dr. David Reagan
Dr. Ron Rhodes
Dr. Charles Ryrie
Dr. Renald Showers
Dr. Mike Stallard
- A Dispensational Response to the Knox Seminary Open Letter to Evangelicals
- An Analysis of the Use of Cosmic-Sign Passages by Proponents of the Pre-Wrath Rapture Theory
- Is Dispensationalism Hurting American Political Policies in the Middle East?
- Literal Hermeneutics, Theological Method, and the Essence of Dispensationalism
- Prophetic Hope in the Writings of Arno C. Gaebelein: A Possible Demonstration of the Doxological Purpose of Biblical History
- The Certainty of Prophetic Language
Dr. Gerald Stanton
Dr. Steve Sullivan
Dr. Robert Thomas
- An Assessment of Kenneth L. Gentry's Internal Evidence for Dating Revelation
- New Evangelical Hermeneutics And Eschatology
- Postmodern Hermeneutics and Bible Prophecy
Dr. Stanley Toussaint
Dr. Jeffrey Townsend
Dr. Michael Vlach
- An Analysis of Neo-Replacement Theology
- The Kingdom Program in Matthew
- Variations Within Supersessionism
Dr. John Whitcomb
- Ezekiel 40 thru 48 and Millennial Sacrifices
- The Judgement Throne (Bema) of Christ
- The Two Witnesses: First or Second Half of the Tribulation?
Dr. Robert Wilkin
Dr. Paul Wilkinson
- For Zion's Sake: Darby and Christian Zionism
- You Shall Be My Witnesses: The Transatlantic History of the Prophetic Witness Movement
Dr. Andy Woods
- A Case for the Futurist Interpretation of the Book of Revelation
- A Futurist Response to the Preterist Interpretation of Babylon in Revelation 17—18
- Apocalypticism
- The Last Days Apostasy of the Church (Part 1)
- The Last Days Apostasy of the Church (Part 2)
- The Last Days Apostasy of the Church (Part 3)
- The Last Days Apostasy of the Church (Part 4)
- The Last Days Apostasy of the Church (Part 5)
- The Last Days Apostasy of the Church (Part 6)
- What is The Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17-18?
- What is the Identity of Babylon In Revelation 17-18?
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